According to the WHO (World Health Organization), more than half of the world’s population lives in city centers and this figure will increase rapidly over the next 30 years. Even today, according to the UN, 74% of Europe’s population lives in urban environments. Taken this into account together with an almost explosive global population increase, this poses major challenges for cities and urban environments.
Rapid urbanization and population growth are squeezing existing resources. This is reflected in the environmental impact of cities, even though they occupy only 2% of the world’s land mass, their environmental footprint is by far the largest.
Cities consume more than two-thirds of the world’s energy according to C40 cities and account for more than 70% of global carbon dioxide emissions according to the UN habitat.
Cities must now reduce their environmental impact while adapting to the needs of the people who live there. Cities must offer secure housing and jobs that contribute to a high quality of life for citizens.
How can we successfully navigate these challenges?
For many decision makers, the answer is smart cities, cities and urban environments must become more energy efficient, more self-sufficient and based on sustainable circular economies.
SmartZero is our collection of Smart City products and services that together form a complete Smart City ecosystem.
Smart cities can offer important benefits, including:
- More efficient urban planning and operation
- Improved and new community services
- Increased traffic and personal safety
- Significant reduced energy savings and maintenance costs
- Increased sustainability potential
- Engage society with data from the Internet of Things (IoT)
ZeroLED – a complete street / road lighting, data and sensor node that is self-sufficient on energy.
A sustainable complete solution with zero footprint on the environment, 100% energy savings with the help of off-grid energy systems that are seamlessly integrated with the pole.
A perfect traffic light that is event-based and provide children and other road users crossing pedestrian crossings with the greatest possible safety. A parking attendant who is on duty 7/24 and that also takes care of the payment.
Real-time road monitoring so that anti-skid control of snow and ice as well as cleaning is adapted to needs and thus environmentally and cost-effective.
A multi sensor platform that gives us the city’s noise, traffic intensity, air quality, water quality on the lakes and not least road user data in real time. All this is done using a powerful AI (Artificial Intelligence) based computer.
ZeroBox – the AI-based, sensor, computer and communication box that is part of ZeroLED and which also can be delivered as retrofitting with other luminaires.
Switching to LED lighting can provide energy savings between 50-70%, and the potential does not stop there. By pairing LEDs with smart controls, cities can achieve energy savings of up to 90% or more.
Connected lighting enables the use of applications that can save energy in many ways, such as precise on / off switching, fog control, light level management and integration with other systems to enable event-based lighting. This allows cities to take full advantage of the benefits of LED, IoT and AI.
Street lighting is everywhere and is the perfect infrastructure for distributing IoT functions across a city and as an integration point for new applications and services.
ZeroPole – Our pole is based on highly resistant fiberglass material. A thin film solar panel is seamlessly integrated on the pole. Energy storage is based on an intelligent hybrid battery bank. Our hybrid battery system consists of graphene supercapacitor and Lithium battery. ZeroLED systems can in principle operate in off-grid mode in the majority of the world’s geography. Northern shores can easily be classified as semi off-grid.
ZeroCloud – ryggraden i ekosystemet för insamling av data, konfiguration, hantering, prenumeration bland andra funktioner.
ZeroCloud är ett molnbaserat smart-city styrsystem som assisterar med utbyggnad av tjänster, förbättra säkerheten, försköna offentliga utrymmen, uppmuntra medborgerlig stolthet och öka energieffektiviteten. Det anslutna LED-belysningssystemet och hanteringsprogramvaran gör det möjligt för dig att fjärrhantera, övervaka och kontrollera all stadsbelysning, från vägar och gator, till trottoarer och korsningar och parker och torg, allt från en enda kontrollpanel. Dessutom kan de besparingar du gör återinvesteras i framtida projekt.
ZeroCloud är också kompatibel med din befintliga belysningsinfrastruktur, så att du kan integrera denna med egna smart city kontrollsystem och andra applikationer för övervakning av buller och luftkvalitet, incidentdetektering och mer via öppna API: er. Dessa API:er möter stadens krav på transparens och ägarskap av data och bidrar till att undvika inlåsningseffekter och bortkastade investeringar.
ZeroCloud – the backbone of the ecosystem for data collection, configuration, management, subscription among other functions.
ZeroCloud is a cloud-based smart-city control system that assists with service expansion, improved security, beautifying public spaces, encouraging civic pride and increasing energy efficiency. The connected LED lighting system and management software allows you to remotely manage, monitor and control all city lighting, from roads and streets, to sidewalks and intersections and parks and squares, all from a single control panel. In addition, the savings you make can be reinvested in future projects.
ZeroCloud is also compatible with your existing lighting infrastructure, so you can integrate it with your own smart-city control systems and other applications for noise and air quality monitoring, incident detection and more via open APIs. These APIs meet the city’s requirements for transparency and ownership of data and to avoid lock-in effects and wasted investment.